Mission Statement

At the heart of our vision lies a profound belief: dining transcends mere sustenance, serving as the most straightforward and profound means of emotional connection. It represents a moment of relaxation, intimacy, and genuine human connection amid the hustle of our daily lives. We aim to reinterpret the notion of fine dining, seamlessly weaving it into our everyday experiences by infusing elements of contemporary culture, art, nature, and innovative space design into the dining experience. Through our cuisine, we craft a sensory journey that engages sight, taste, smell, and soul, elevating dining to an unparalleled form of artistry. In sharing these moments with our guests, we impart not just flavors but also the warmth and joy that life itself brings.

Our Brands



米其林摘星有希望 三大餐飲集團 攻頂級中餐



【2023 亞洲最具影響力人士】從不起眼地方做起,棄高薪勇闖世界歷練!看米其林三星 Taïrroir 何順凱發揚光大台魂法菜

走入新科米其林三星餐廳Taïrroir,空氣中有一種活躍的氛圍。被Taïrroir 的夥伴引入包廂,一眼認出眼前是外場經理何嘉菱,今年米其林服務大獎得主。笑稱榮幸被她服務,她有點不好意思又打趣地說: 「得獎還不是要掃廁所。」遂轉身去找主廚進來,這是 Taïrroir 的主廚和員工一直以來的直率謙遜以及盡其本分的調調。



Believing in the contagious allure of food and the heartfelt connections among people, GOODLINS is dedicated to delivering distinctive fine dining experiences, fostering an uncomplicated sense of well-being like being with loved ones for our guests. We cultivate an independent and liberating work environment for each employee, nurturing a genuine, warm, and passionate atmosphere. We value the creative philosophies of our employees, providing a space for personal growth and accomplishment.
For any other inquiries regarding internships or university-industry collaborations, feel free to contact us.

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