《臺灣米其林指南 2024》已揭曉,在亞洲鄰國餐廳摘星數呈減少趨勢的情況下,台灣市場逆勢增長,儘管仍要面臨fine dining市場飽和、餐飲業缺工嚴重,以及永續發展理念崛起等挑戰,嘉林餐旅集團依然堅持初衷,秉持相信飲食的感染力與創作力信念,成功引領集團旗下兩家法式餐廳榮獲米其林星級榮譽——態芮蟬聯三星,A首摘一星。
moreAbout GOODLINS
Mission Statement
At the heart of our vision lies a profound belief: dining transcends mere sustenance, serving as the most straightforward and profound means of emotional connection. It represents a moment of relaxation, intimacy, and genuine human connection amid the hustle of our daily lives. We aim to reinterpret the notion of fine dining, seamlessly weaving it into our everyday experiences by infusing elements of contemporary culture, art, nature, and innovative space design into the dining experience. Through our cuisine, we craft a sensory journey that engages sight, taste, smell, and soul, elevating dining to an unparalleled form of artistry. In sharing these moments with our guests, we impart not just flavors but also the warmth and joy that life itself brings.